Transition Pieces

The monopile and tower for the offshore wind turbine are connected with a Transition Piece. For almost all Monopile foundations, a Transition Piece is used. A Transition Piece consists of a support tube and secondary steel or concrete elements and is installed by a grouted connection or by a flange on the monopile.

Our services:

  • Procurement of heavy plates
  • Fabrication of the transition piece primary steel structure incl. Flange or Grout-Conus.
  • Coating
  • Procurement and Assembly of Secondary Steel (Platform, Boatlanding, Ladders etc.)
  • Load out at Europe's heaviest operation terminal in Nordenham/Germany (Marshalling Harbor).


Product Range                                                     
Unit Weight up to 500 ton
Length up to 35 m
Diameter up to 10 m
Wall Thickness up to 150 mm